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Weakening US Dollar Puts Colombian Peso Into World’s Top 3 for Appreciation
The currency has appreciated 3.88% so far this month, making it the only one in Latin America among the world’s three strongest
Argentina’s SMEs Call for Special Exchange Rate to Increase Exports, Competitiveness
Following the launch of the ‘agri-dollar’, the country’s small and medium-sized enterprises have called for a segment-specific exchange rate
Mexican Peso Seen Breaking the 18-to-US-Dollar Barrier This Week
Banorte predicts the currency’s rise to new heights, as traders will be on the lookout for important economic data releases in both the US and Mexico
Fast Slide of Mexico’s ‘Super Peso’ Highlights Test for Emerging Markets
In the last year, even despite the slide in recent weeks, the peso has risen 9% against the US dollar, making it second only to the Russian ruble
Coinbase elige Brasil como uno de los mercados clave en su expansión global
La bolsa estadounidense, que cotiza en Nasdaq, llega al país con su propia plataforma, en lugar de alianzas, y enfrentará a Binance, Mercado Bitcoin, BTG Pactual, XP entre otros
News in English
FTX Collapse Undermines Confidence in Crypto, Ripio’s CEO Says
Sebastián Serrano, CEO of the Argentine cryptocurrency exchange, says however that the crypto market will rebound in a year’s time
Derrumbe de FTX “es grave” y “remueve confianza”, dice CEO de exchange líder en LatAm
El CEO de Ripio, Sebastián Serrano, opina que es un momento de “acumulación” y que en noviembre de 2023 el mercado despegará otra vez
English version
Argentina to Launch ‘Tech Dollar’, Mulls Flexible Exchange Rate for Freelancers
The country’s economy minister, Sergio Massa, is working on a new currency exchange scheme for the knowledge economy, with a plan to be unveiled on October 3
English version
Which is Latin America’s Most Stable Currency?
From late 2000 until now, some countries’ currencies have collapsed while others have remained stable