Noticias sobre IMF

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Which Latin American Countries Are the Most Indebted to China?

Argentina to Request Heftier IMF Disbursement After 18% Peso Devaluation

A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Argentina’s Multiple Exchange Rates

IMF to Loan Honduras $830M to Support Economic Reforms

Argentina Takes On More Debt With $100M IDB Loan


IMF to Loan Argentina as Much as $10.8 Billion This Year

IMF Revises Upward GDP Forecasts for Brazil and Mexico; Argentina’s Outlook Worsens

IMF Hints at Argentina Paying Off Debt In Yuan

US Hedge Fund Investing In ‘Bankrupt’ Argentina Explains Why It Remains Bullish

Argentina’s Debt Swells to Record Levels


Argentine Elections: Inflation Is Likely Biggest Obstacle to Government’s Reelection

Argentina, Ecuador See Country Risk Worsen After Debt Restructuring

Why Argentina Faces a ‘Critical’ Situation as Foreign Reserves Continue to Decline

Argentina’s SMEs Call for Special Exchange Rate to Increase Exports, Competitiveness

‘Massa Is Not Messi’; Argentina’s Bond Buyback An Unlikely Win, Goldman Sachs Says

Guyana Poised to Post World’s Highest GDP Growth

Brazil Will Propose IMF’s Ilan Goldfajn to Lead Lender IDB

10 Charts to Gig the Global Economy: IMF Warns of Deteriorating Outlook

IMF Revises Latin America 2022 Forecast Upward, But Sees Slower Growth in 2023

A $4-Trillion Gap Haunts Global Finance Leaders on Eve of Washington Meeting

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