Noticias sobre Tiger Global
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Más noticias sobre Tiger Global
Un nuevo unicornio: la española Factorial quiere duplicar su apuesta en Brasil
La startup aseguró una Serie C de US$ 120 millones liderada por Atomico con GIC, Tiger, CRV, K-Fund y Creadum
A New Unicorn: Spain’s Factorial Wants to Double Down in Brazil
The startup secured a $120 million Series C led by Atomico with GIC, Tiger, CRV, K-Fund and Creadum
Tiger Global, SoftBank y Sequoia: ¿Cómo pinta el panorama VC frente a la crisis?
Ya hay números que reflejan las consecuencias de la crisis en las startups y esta semana recopilamos lo que ocurre en algunos de los principales fondos de capital de riesgo, ¿qué más ocurrió en estos días?
Brazil Motorbike Rental Startup Attracts Hedge Funds, Raises $40M
Mottu received $30 million in an equity round with participation from Tiger and $10 million in debt from Luis Stuhlberger’s Verde Asset
English version
Tiger Global’s Day of Judgment May Never Come: Shuli Ren
The hedge fund is smart to pivot to venture capital investing — after all, the market is changing so fast tech companies may soon be back in fashion
Tech & Funding
Tiger Global Falls 52%, Leading the Fund to Cut Fees and Create Side-Pockets
Its hedge fund had already sunk 14.2% last month, buffeted by losses in several stocks and substantial markdowns in its private assets
Tech & Funding
Hedge Fund Hell: How the Tech Crash Is Clobbering the Tiger Cubs
The hedge fund managers known as Tiger Cubs made billions riding some of the same tech stocks to dizzying heights