Más noticias sobre XP


XP’s Revenues Fall and Founder Lambasts Firm’s ‘Neglect’ of Clients

Brazil’s Broker XP: Slowdown, Search for Efficiency and Marketing Spend in Aspen

Cómo invertir y protegerse del aumento del riesgo fiscal en Brasil, según expertos

How to Invest and Protect Yourself from Brazil’s Rising Fiscal Risk

Brazil’s XP Eyes Efficiency Drive After Doubling Headcount During the Pandemic


Exclusive: Amazon Shelves Plans to Occupy São Paulo’s Iconic FL Plaza

EXCLUSIVO: Amazon desiste de trasladarse a oficina en São Paulo

Brazil’s XP Beats Bear Market and Hits Record Revenue in Q2

iFood and XP’s Bet Millions to Change the Direction of Tech in Brazil

WEG é aposta para surfar tendências da indústria e de energia, aponta BTG


Lula lidera em nova pesquisa sem Doria, aponta XP/Ipespe